Trucos de Wakeboard

Te preguntarás como se llama un truco de wakeboard que has hecho o quieres saber como se llaman los trucos de wake para que cuando vayas a un wakepark y los riders comenten trucos sepas de lo que están hablando.
BeXtreme es una marca creada por Riders, así que te entendemos perfectamente y queremos ayudarte. Hay muchos tipos de trucos en el wakeboarding, aunque una de las mejores cosas que tienen los deportes extremos es que todo es muy nuevo y siempre salen trucos nuevos, muchos trucos no tienen nombre hasta que alguien que los hace les pone un nombre.
Aquí te dejamos una compilación de nombres de trucos de wakeboard para que te sientes como un Rider en el agua i no como un pato 😉
A slider that has an up rail, a horizontal rail and a down rail in the shape of the letter A
Air/air trick
Air is a common word in extreme sports which means the amount of space between you and the surface. An air trick is one that involves tension on the line to lift.
Backside boardslide
Also called a lipslide, this is when you attack a jump or object with your backside to it, making it a trickier trick to pull off.
Backside spin
When you perform a spin with your back towards the boat/cable first, which for a left-foot forward rider would be clockwise.
A term common to many extreme sports that involves taking a bit of a tumble.
A blind landing is one where you land with the handle behind your back, which is also facing the boat.
A slide on an obstacle when the board slides over nose first.
Don’t ask us why it’s called this but this is a trick that involves fully straightening your legs and grabbing the board. Listen out for the term ‘boned out a grab’.
An onomatopoeic term that refers to hitting or tapping your board on an obstacle so that it makes a sound.
Bunny hop
A term borrowed from BMX riding and skateboarding, a bunny hop is a small jump where all parts of you and the board leave the surface.
Butt check
A sloppy landing when the rider hits the water backside first, making a loud slapping noise.
When the water is smooth and creamy (kind of).
Corked spin
Also called an off-axis spin, the rider leaves the usual vertical axis, with feet and board rising up to shoulder level during the spin.
Deep start/dock start
When you start your ride from sitting in the water or jumping off a dock straight into a ride.
The name for a particularly nasty wipeout.
Double up
When a boat circles and crosses its own wake, things can get a little choppy. If you hit the waves right you can get some serious double up air time.
A wide stance on the board where your front and back bindings are at even angles and your toes closer to the front and tail of the board than your heels.
A wreck that’s so bad you don’t even have time to shut your eyes before you execute the classic faceplant.
Another skateboarding term, also often referred to as a switchstance, which involves riding with your opposite foot forward.
Fat sack
Also known as ballast, this water-filled sack adds weight to the boat to make the wakes bigger.
The parts of water not affected by the wake of the boat. If you hit a big trick then you might end up heading ‘out to the flats’.
Frontside/frontside spin
Approaching an object with your body facing it, and then maybe adding a spin towards the boat for good measure.
Goofy foot
Riding a wakeboard with your right foot forward.
When you’re getting air, reach down and clasp the egde of the board. This, and all its many variations, is a grab.
The terrifying feat of going upside down when in the air.
Riding or sliding on something that isn’t water, usually a rail or dock.
A ramp on the water that you hit to get some air.
Approach an obstacle and ollie onto it with the tail side first. Doing this front on would be a frontside lipslide.
Loading the line
This is when you build up the tension in the rope so that when it releases you can get maximum pop when leaving the wake.
Mobe or mobius
An invert that has a spin of at least 360 degrees in it.
When the rider spins but rather then passing the handle they simply lift it over their head.
Similar to getting air, this is the amount of power, height and distance you can generate when leaving the wake.
Progressive edge
Building the edge as the rider approaches the wake so that they hit it when at the hardest part of their edge curve.
A trick with your body extended back and the board above your head, falling just short of a full flip.
Rampy wake
The kind of wake that is sloped and is best for when performing tricks.
Regular foot
A rider who leads with the left foot on the board.
Most wakeboards are curved slightly, with the nose and tail of the board being higher than the middle section. Boards are usually three stage or continuous rockers.
An invert when the board travels edge over edge, although there are many variations.
A nice long rail that’s used for sliding.
A trick when rider and board rotate around the vertical axis.
A nasty wreck.
Standing tall
Extension of the hips and knees just before the pop so that you don’t absorb the wake’s energy.
Landing a trick nice and cleanly.
Surface trick
A trick performed with the board on the water at all times.
Hardware that is used to screw the bindings to the board itself.
The part of the board nearest the boat.
The side of the board closest to the toes.
Trip flip
A kind of flip that you fall into by letting the wake trip you into the invert.
Triple up
Like a double up but with the boat crossing its own wake twice for even bigger wake.
When performing a grab, the rider moves the board or legs to add some flair to the trick.
Wake to wake
A trick that starts off in one wake and lands in another.
Washy wake
Bumpy and turbulent wake that’s far from ideal for riding.
A clever gadget that’s fitted to the back of the boat to increase the size of the wake.
When the rider has the rope wrapped around them it allows them to do tricks without a handle pass.
A bail, wipeout or stack. Also nasty.
Hay muchos más trucos de wakeboard, hasta el punto que nunca terminaríamos ya que como hemos dicho, cada día salen nuevos nombres de trucos de wakeboard.
* Estas fotos que os mostramos están hechas con Riders y tablas de wakeboard BeXtreme en el cable/park Comandowake. Si quieres comprar wakeboard, BeXtreme te ofrece wakeboard barato, tablas de wakeboard directas de fabricante, sin intermediarios ni gastos logísticos para que puedes tener tablas de calidad y con garantía de 2 años al mejor precio. Mira las tablas wakeboard BeXtreme en su tienda online wakeboard.